Transcript for Hot pursuit of a child driving a car erupts with gunfire
Now to Mississippi, a high-speed police chase, eru in gunfire. The driver, a 12-year-d girl. A deputy opening fire. D he know there was a child behind the wheel? Here’s ABC’s Zachary kiesh. Reporter: Police in Mississippi are defending their ons tonight after opening fire on a 12-year-old girl who led them on a chase. You can see officers in this dramatic cell phone viying to bring the vehicle to a stop. When they attempt to use tire spikes, the preteen girl runs over a deputy. That’s when authorities op fire. Sending witnesses scrambling. Investigors say it started Wednesday night when the girl, allegedly stole her mother’s car after a fight. Deputies racing to stop this speeding car as it barrelsown street. The off I guess trying to get the spikes out of the ad or something, and she N him over. Eporter: Then they fire shots. Authorities saying they were shooting ae vehicle, not the girl. That 3500-pound vehicle is being operated by a 12-year-old. The same a D H a gun pointing at you, would you say she’s 12 she’s not going pull the trigger? Reporter: Tom, that sheriff sa they were following protocol and that young driver, tonight she’s in custo. Zhary, thank you. Next tonight, the pushback
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