Transcript for Jurors ask to deliberate longer in Manafort trial
There are also late devepments in the Paul nafort triale day. The jurors a for lr. Whatld this mean for both des? ‘S Pierre th. Reporter: Late today, lawyers for Paul manafort were summo fo ce. Saying the jur wants to wor late, until 6:15 P.M. With tee full days, theurors have beenring over a motain of evidence. Asking for aarger to contain itall. 388 exhibits in total. Ey point to $60 million stashed in 31 offshe bank accounts. Tellthe jury, use your common sense. Es it make sense T he forgot to report? Manart says he’s ient. And presidentmp weighing . Hink it’s very sad day for our country. He worked for me for aery short period of time,e happens to be a Ver good person. D I think it’s very sad, what theye done to Paul nafort. Reporr: The president refusing to rule out an eventual paf convict Let’s go live torre Thom the jury requesting era time to deliberate, past the 5:00 M. Time. Right straight through 6:15, they asked but momts ago, we learned they went hfoe night, no verdict? Repor they just wrapped . Wanted to work the extra 45’s not clear W it cld Mian they’re getting closer to a verdict, or just wanted to put in the extratime. But the defense tolds they believe continued deliberations are good for manafort, but we don’t . Pierre, thank you. In the meantime, there’s also reporting after the horrific story of colodo.
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