Transcript for Congressman and his wife indicted in California
We turn now the ssman and his wife indieted in californ protesters yelling “Lock him up” as congressman Duncan hter was outside therthouse to the couple accused of sg $250,000 in campaign money on personal expenses. Everytng from co to a vish vacation in Italy. Here’s a linsey Davis. Ock him up! Reporter: Jeers and chants of “Lock him up” greeting U.S. Representative dn hunter a the Republican congressman arrived at court separately fromhis wife, Margaret. Insi, the couple pleading not guilty to explosive 60-co indictment. Federal prose detailing a laundry lt of storm 20 tgh 2016 of the couple allegedly Ng a quart of a million dollars in campaign ney to pay for personal nses.more than $15,000 for airline tis and hotel ro including a lavish trip to Italy. $250 to fla family pet to washington. Accoing to prosecutors, they spent more than $3,000 on fast food. Dised family dentas paid witmpaign funds as a Charle donation to “Smiles for life.” On occasion, prosecutors say when the lawmaker didn’t have en money to buy sh, hisfe advised the fr mar to buy them at a G shop so theyld characteriz purchase as golf ballswounded wars. Alisaccording to the indictment, as the couple ra up $37,0n insufficient fundees on their pl accounts. The. Ment can D what they want, whenever they want to, and they’ve shown that agaime. They’ve shown that aga trump. Reporter: Hun one of the first congressmen tondorse T prest, maintains the indictment isitically mote despite the charges being brought by trump appointee.insey Davis is live in the studio withus. And hunter says tt he is going to fight andht for his -ion and bse of California law, he W stay on the ballot? Reporter: That’s right, Tom. Hunt has willingly give up key assignments, but he’s vow to stay in the race and Hise will stay on the balloecause incalifornia, basically, fir of all, you’re notow to have write-insnd your name has to stay on T ballot. Tom? Lind Seay Davis for us tonighhau. We turn now to bing depments in T high rise
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