Transcript for Update on a car chase involving a baby
M? Kayn thank you. New detailonight about thatwing hig speed chase on a Texas high thriver weaving tc, take a look, atice tried to catch her. Stoppingy when slowed into a pickup trick. And the she takes a baby in a carrier ouof the backseat and ar run. Abmarcus moo onhe new information on that woman behind E wheel. At L 0 miles an hour. Reporter: This videoonight pturing a chaotic chase through N Antonio. Looks like — no, S still go it. Repr: Police now saying behind the wheel of this speefdinguv is 29-yold itlyn Rodriguez. And in hbackseat, H very own Oncoming traffic now. Rter: Dring sai into affic. The high speed frome coming after police pulled over rodriguezor a traffic violr SUV finally crashing into another car, but the chase not over rodrz gets out and takes F, dgling fm H arm, R seat that’s carrying her child. He’s Gothe baby and we’re ru Repr: Appears to try toar jackv. Wild and dangeus chase coming to an end. Ba’s the baby’s safe. Reporter: Policaf puttg that C seatut of harm’s way. Reporte Tom, rod Lee geez was W outstanding warrants. She was charged with possession a controlleance. And tonight, she still in jail. rc thank you. Covering up the xual miscon of an American
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