Transcript for Both parties clash over handling Kavanaugh sexual assault allegation
Jon, thank you. Know, Jon, T stakes are enormous here, for the nomi for the president setorom both parti who know cuents Backe hing this very closely, with spin both sides. Homccuser wl be treated ifhe does testruce on the hil asking senators how should T go. Reporter: One only four women the senate judiciary commcalls this a moment of reckoning. I just wto say to T men of this country, shut up and step up. Change. Reporr:ublican lea sist they’ giv Christine bl opportuty to be heard in public before the diciary committee next Monday. This is Mai otunity to accomte we look forward giving H chance tell her story. Rter: Do youhink H allegations are credible? Does she sound credio you, sir? DW how you judge that until you have the heing. Reporter: Republi Lisa there are alternatives. She doesn’t want to appear public, in pubc beforehe committee, she do it uoath. Reporter: If Ford doe agreeto she and judge kavanaug only witnesses, fielding questions from tenrats a11 republicans.all of theans, men. Obviously, the oics O 11, you know, menhe on the reblican sit I what it is. That’s the commiee now. And so, we’ll just have to do our best. Reporter: Those senators keen awaref the questionita hillaced during thelarencemas coer make rings M 25 years ago, WHE a him sexual harassment. Tesed this moing at the mos erassing question involved, this is not too bad, women’s bts that’s a word we use all the time. Reporte Anita hill writing, “The is no W to redo 1991, there areayso do Bette job ois “To serve a fact-finders, T public.” But the big question T s,ill Christine bla Ford ar at what professorord doesn’t show up? We neo plan this around R schedu. Has sexual ult, has put herself out there, is to come andestify befe the American public about of the mos potentlly,ple in, you wouldnk there woue some level of sensitivity. Mary Bruce back with us live tonight from col and ma, so many pointin the very psonaluestioning Anita hill so mye you owed just a moment of it bout her allegations against nominee Clarence Thomas butany senators know this is a much different a much fferent er and many of these senators are up for re-eion. E leading into T midterms and this potential public hearing are mous. Eporter: Exactly, David. The E is tremendous. And three of those sators whonita hillo many years ag are sll on this tee. One ofthem, Republican orrin hatch,already siding with Kavanaugh. He say he believesvanaugh’s denial, and that he tsord is mistaken.ary Bruce withs LE tonigh W on tonhthere, and the storm THA THR D.C.
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