Transcript for Thousands of people remain in shelters post-Hurricane Florence
Michael. T you. As the president headsnas, dgerous fs are still threatening ea. 10,000 people remain inlters in nth Carolina alone. And goverr is urging them to stay pusaying it’ust still too dangerous to go . Eva pilgrim is yeitest. Morning, Eva. Eporter: Gd morning, Michael. Yeah, you can see this is closed. Itlooded out. This car L behind. It’s scenes like in that prompt the nor T ask people to STA put. You see howucs behi me. He’s not wanting a to put their life at risk. As theest numbers have eaths across tee states being blame T Stor overnight, in south Lina, the rising floodwa deadlyo women ie custody killed trapped inseer van H iff’s fi two deputies unable to free were able escape waiting the roof of for rescue. The relens flooding spurrin rescue after rescue. Htl telling him, U if W can me to sunrissomebody’s coming you know is coming. Ter: In Kelly, north Carolina, E mase family,e show reue. Hey, is there more than jus . Okay. M is on my back. Okur son is on your ck Reporter: Clinging to tree R fiveours. My gosh. I can’t ine somebod being trapped in that same situation. Terrifyi. Reporter:ly pregnaolding 6-year-old T have a baby while holding on to a treend holding cen my back because that WOU have beenterrible. Orhole family is safe this morning. Russelvis made the journey from wmington to S his home for the firstein Florence. It’s underwater for the sound time since he built it. Ian it’ just gng to be at Arent address, period. An’t do this again. No, no. Rter: You may notice this ring stanng pretty F from the that is police officeactually car to mean told me thiser is sewage. Chael. Thankou so mu, Eva. Though the storm has passed
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