Transcript for ’40-year-old Virgin’ actor’s ex-girlfriend reacts to his parole
We areack with the actor om “The 40eargin” who was paroled after his conviconinurder S girlfriend. She is tragedy the decisn and spoke about it with Amy. Good morning, Y. Yes, mail confe that he wanted to kill Kendra in S 2008 now as he’seingleased from prison, Beebe is speaking D she is on a mission. You have awe seek him in blockbuster “The 40-year-old virgin.” Prsional. Reporter: Plus par TV shows like “S Hey, J.D. And Reporteut this rng, sey malils er a boardreleased H from prison after only years of a life sentenc T Beebe. Doou feel saf witim out? I don’t. I will always have tatch my back for the rest my life. Eporter: Beebe’s life wr changeder survive aiciousttack by mail stabbi her 23 types in August of 2008. When I was going to give him a hug he pull out his hand started stabbing me. D die isemoments? Yes. Rorter: Bee suffere pure lungsndpounds to her neck, back and arms and R childreleust upstairs. T do you seen you look inhe rr I got aond cha and so I thateed to hel be a part of the change. Doeswoman’sife matter?does inflig injur on her matter? Ink if we allught O Kendra say it matrs quite bit. But refuses to Lett P her fring H life. You S that you’re victim. You’re a survivor. What doeook like? O many women do notven testify at trials because thafraid of being one stand. Theyraid ofenge fro theitacker. D we cannot live in that we hto be strong up andpe out. She’s G from victim survivor to thriver. No Rd agreedhat lil posed low Ng in the futu. Bee the system is broken and I haveo say governor Jerry brown weigin pusd back agait parole board’s de N avai he WBE a free N. Dt work, wow. Okay, thank very much.
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