Transcript for 911 calls reveal terrifying moments after deadly gas blasts in Mass.
families outsideoston who L have no after the explns one afterhe other. Tonight, time, we’re ring the 1 CAS, amidorts the pressure was 12 tim it shouldav been here erielle rhe Rter: Tonight, we’r hearinthe harrowing calls for help aaneously iite north T Okay, sthere’s a nch of fires ar town right now. We’re going to get to you as soon as we C I want you to make sure the home isvacuated. We’re husband is ringing all the doorbells. Rter: An instigatio noy. The NTSB reports the pressure of the was 12 times the proper amount just before last week’sdly explosn that led 18-ye-old leonero and injud at leastothers. While most rests have returned home, tds remain without gas aisle approaches the gas company setting line of November 19th to 8,600 fed custom. Fe plaguing a communstill in crisis. Aofafraid, even if they were to put the ga Reporter: David, will helprovide thnds of hopl 2space aters to ctoected by this dister. Thank you.
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