Transcript for Flake: Delay SCOTUS vote until FBI conducts investigation
The stunning turn ofvents with president trump’s supreme court nominee Brett kavanaug aep theommittee pushing the FBI to vestigate E allegati . That moment came less tn 2 hourft that searing testimon from Bley Ford androm J kavaugh. Fending his name and trying to save H nomination. This morning, it appeed he D have the votes. Publican sat Jeff flake, the key swing vote on the mmittee aouncinghat he would vot yes. Then this moment righthere. He was stopped in the elevator by women who they were sexual assault svors. GHT, it aearsho women, thei mesge washeard. Senator jelake proposing that the FBI invest algations. Democrats agreeing. The psident H ordered the FBI to reopen itsround investigation. Flake was on hay tdiciary tee, planning to back H’s confiron, whense two women STO him that elevator. You have chin I yr family. Think about them. Iave two children. Ho have someone on the supreme court who has aed violg a young are you doing, sir? Ter: Ana Mia archilaria gallagr, both victims of sexual assault, imploring the senator to take stand. At me when I’m toyou. Yo telling me that asult doesn’tmatter. What happens to me doesn’t maer.and you’re going to let people power who do this. Reporter: Trotesters sex asulons agains judge Kavanaugh. I nd to go to the hearing. Reporter: When flake arrived in the committee room,was clear, rublicans we eager to forbut I also found jud D Reporter: Bs flake loed for the FBI vepresident tr has sisted foreeks. Where is the bravery in this room? At are youid what wouldrt? Judge Kavanaugh could have easilyaid, “Mr. Es ismove forward, I want to at least clear my name, but , I want tve the people knowther or not th is true or not.” He could have done that. Why didn’te do it? Because ey’re afra of what they’lfind out. Reporter: Then, flake’s aware demoat Chris coon S Ress, investe and ree reasonable doubts as to credible allions again tminee before that. An that testthis committee hailed. Reporter: Flake listened intently. And when the docrat finished speaking, ake stood , motioning for coons to follow him ou the room.alf, a flu of activity behind the scenes, while inside T E room, rebl king puzzled. Senator Amy klubuchar whispering to democraticoa big smile he. Finallwalked back Mally, we uld start te right now, but point of persol privilegi would nato flak Reporter: Flake, with a dramatic move, telling colles to delay te on kavaugh until E FBI can do an vestigation, ggesting he support nathey do. Hiis being Rippe apart here. We’ve got to make sure that we do due diligence. I think this committas done od job but I do think that we cave a shorpamake sure that the can veate. Reporter:epublica stand. But also B in. They likely need flake’s vote to confirm Kavanaugh to tour. Just 2hours ago,epublican lindsegraham raid against the democrats.his is the most unetl I’ve been politics. Reporte today, a different ne If we a tbi to look no later than a week, no longer than a and they wouay would be a better procs, that progress. Somedyplain this trump. I es will be my job. Reporter:the afternn on, key undec senators, backlake’s pla D Joe Manchin and Republicans Susan collind Lisa murko. I think it was a goostep today. Tonight. Mary,ust moments ago, Dr. Christinblasey lawyer sponding T today’sing development and her lawyer said shemes this step in the process. Sheppreciates T efforts of senator and all of other senators who have supportean FBI investigation. But david,he said there should be no articial limits on time andpe of this investio mary,nk U. President trump had just Lene that dticur when reporters were brought into oval office today. Moments before ske D calledor that one-week delay for fbi investiga theseallegations. Epresent, of course, was quicklysked was his first reacti. Senflake, he wants a one-weekel T FBI can investigate further. I’l L the senat Hane that. I’ll learn more about it as the day goes on. I just heard it whatid think of Dr. Ford’sestimonynou heard th. I thought her testinyas ve cg and looks like a very fine woman to me. Very fine woman. And I thatett’s testimony likewise, really someththat ien’t seen before. It wasincred. It was aninedib moment, I think, the history our try. For the count T Collins? I have no mess president trump in the ovaloftoday.I want to bring in Cecilia in the initithe prent didn’t seem to argue the ies of the FBI. David, they basic Ed into a corner they had to. Theed the ves otol hill. Just a Dago, preside trum said they don’t need FBI investigation. Brettanaugh dur that testimsaid he didn’t want an I investigiohe said a week delay is too long butnow, ts major shift in T prt late today ordering that inst saying que, tdate must be limited in scopeeted ust one week. Cecilia, thank queio tonight, will the FBI to? Drford,f se, judge Kavanaugh andhaps other
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