Transcript for For survivors of sexual assault, Kavanaugh hearings can stir painful memories
Back now on Thi vy busy Friday morning with ourgm DISCOR the historic hear T ritethe nation. Court nominee B Kavanaugh and Chris legainst him butome who watched tearing across country, they say it Ledo them recalng pain memories their owneriences a they’re sharing their survival storsl Medi it is really fascinating to hearth fasna not T word. It real grabs. You can only imagine survivors O sex many of them never know what wi up those painful meries this has certain been a week of triggin thus and many fin chartic a others know they’re not Not here bec iant to be. I am ied. Reporter: For alleged victims of sexual assau like Christine blasey Ford, trauma can trgered atny moment and the ha lasts a lot longern they day they were Ed. Or people trauma can be felong struggle. There are things T can Traum or retraumatize and someay the past couple of days aboutexual trauma and fear. Repor W midlines and creating awaness it’s also a constant reminder for survo causingany T relive past painful events the national assault ho a 147%nc E Normal volume during ‘S hearings. Ychiatrist Dr. J Taylor weighiin. T way healourselfs T to shut it away and be sit to speak about it. To acknowledge it. To fiherapy if Y nee it. To find support and recnize thatouan replace Y sorrow. Reporter: People commenting L thursda and ovgh on social med hearings E stirring up one onc ppressed memories. Another tip on cong, understa when you’ve H so much psych lodge distr O of test this is be kind torself by being right,xercis and stand that it’s all about balance you talkuthat’s haened you rze one and you can get thesupport Yo neednd understa that it’s a process but ibedone. We have some more T today.” Talk to peoho know yr story and care for you. Also focus ont col. Rend O things you cannfluence in your lif like hct and painful situati anyme this I important. Don’t make any major decisio when those painful memories are iggered, is not a good idea say wanto switchers orjobs. Thinkinghat might fix it. Exactly. So many conversations. I was stuck O a anrport, Lon delay and TRE was a woman who was talking and this W O T subjects even before the hear but just talking about all that was going on and she said she wasaving conversation with her fra her broth and her father were sayingik many M sa why didn’t she come sooner? Why didn’t she come forwa sooner and tan saidha she couldn’tn tell her own fami like could even brin herself to tell her own fa so can you understand W strangers. In the subway when yalk aroundy’ve bee pting up writing down why didn’t report. Etty increble to all thup and everyone saying whatpened to tm an on but feeling that support is rful. Knowhey’re not alone. Thank Ay, WHE momentecause wve one of
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