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Transcript for Suspicious package removed from Time Warner Center
And we are following breaking news New York on heightened alert after a series of bomb scares the Time Warner Center home of the CNN offices. Have evacuated after suspicious device. Found in the Bellic and this follows the discovery of suspicious device is sent to the Chappaqua home and Hillary Clinton and former president Barack Obama’s home in Washington DC. Good afternoon everyone I’m David Navarro. I’m Michelle Charles north in for Celine Ellicott that it is a total of three suspicious packages found in our area just in the last few hours this morning. The Secret Service stopped a suspicious packages sent to Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua. Former president Obama’s home in Washington but another suspicious package sent to CNN. Cleared out the newsroom. Now these are live pictures from just copped to ship seven. Showing the bomb containment unit that removed the device from the Time Warner Center it is right now on the way to a facility at Rodman’s neck. Where they typically detonate devices and as a precaution. So we’ll follow that was we learn more about what they plan to do with that suspicious device in that containment unit meanwhile people who live. Near Columbus Circle are being warned to take shelter CNN anchors reliant on the air when the fire alarms in their building went off and employees were told to leave. Building. Explosive devices in to have projectiles. Or. Excuse me that sounds like a fire alarm here will keep you posted on that. Only imagine how frightening now was they didn’t know initially that they had to leave they had to go.
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{“id”:58718230,”title”:”Suspicious package removed from Time Warner Center”,”duration”:”1:30″,”description”:”A bomb-containment unit took the device out of the building that is home to CNN, moving it to a facility outside of New York City.”,”url”:”/US/video/suspicious-package-removed-time-warner-center-58718230″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}