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Transcript for Matthew Shepard’s ashes interred at National Cathedral
Twitty years after his brutal murder which sparked a rallying cry for the gay rights movement the ashes of Matthew Shepherd. Have been laid to rest shepherds remains were interred this morning at Washington National Cathedral in 1998. Shepperd was tortured by two men who targeted the 21 year old college student because he was gay. He was found tied to a fence where he was left to die in agony. To label someone. Different from ourselves as other. Which is code for. Not really him and and then you can do anything to them that. And for the past two decades shepherds remains have been capped by a Stanley and Wyoming.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
{“id”:58779920,”title”:”Matthew Shepard’s ashes interred at National Cathedral”,”duration”:”0:44″,”description”:”In October 1998, Matthew Shepard, 21, was abducted, beaten, tied to a fence and left to die in Wyoming for being openly gay.”,”url”:”/US/video/matthew-shepards-ashes-interred-national-cathedral-giving-home-58779920″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}