Transcript for Trump blames local officials for ‘deadly and costly’ California fires
President trump and his tweets, as this emergency was unfolding here, families losing loved ones, homes burning to the ground. And tonight here, the L.A. County fire chief was asked to respond to what the president initially tweeted. Here’s ABC’s chief white house correspondent Jonathan Karl tonight. Reporter: Firefighters were doing battle in a suburban hellscape over the weekend, when president trump went on the attack, blaming local officials and threatening to cut federal funding. “There’s no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California, except that forest management is so poor. Remedy now or no more fed payments.” It’s not clear exactly what the president was talking about, but today, the L.A. County fire chief was asked about it. It’s very hurtful for all first responders putting their lives on the line. Reporter: The president of the California professional firefighters association called trump’s words “Ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning”, adding, “This shameful attack on California is an attack on all our courageous men and women on the front lines.” And Jon Karl with us live tonight from the white house. And Jon, the president later tweeting out words of support for firefighters? Reporter: The president did later change his tune, tweeting up support for the firefighters and his concern for the tens of thousands who had to evacuate their homes and for the families of those who lost their lives, saying, quote, god bless them all. David?
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