Transcript for Seven women are suing Dartmouth College for sexual assault
In the meantime, the stunning accusations from several young women accusing three male professors at dartmouth turning their department into a 21st century animal house, they say, calling it a predators’ club. ABC’s linsey Davis. Reporter: A bombshell lawsuit filed against dartmouth college, and tonight, the women behind it are speaking out. It was certainly a boys’ club environment, so — it was a highly sexualized culture. Reporter: The complaint alleges that for more than a decade, the ivy league ignored complaints about professors Todd Heatherton, William Kelley, and Paul Whalen, accusing the men of forming a “Predators’ club” that at times included hot tub parties and meeting students at bars. The lawsuit states that professor Kelly sexually assaulted Kristina Rapuano in early 2015. I don’t remember waking up that morning. It was after that point that bill Kelly had told me that we had sex. Reporter: That same professor allegedly used real cocaine in class as part of a demonstration on addiction. The plaintiffs, all highly accomplished scientists, current and former students of the sigh psychology and brain sciences department, describe “A 21st century animal house.” A culture the women say the school was slow to address. This was something that’s happening to other women. Reporter: Tonight, dartmouth denies wrongdoing and tells ABC news, “As a result of the misconduct we found earlier this year by the three pbs faculty members, we took unprecedented steps toward revoking their tenure and terminating their employment.” We reached out to all of the professors, but only heard back from Heatherton, who denies playing any role in creating a toxic environment. And also says that he regrets behavior that women construed as sexual.
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