Transcript for Find out the best days to score a budget TV this shopping season
Next tonight, Black Friday is fast approaching, and from toys to TVs, Rebecca Jarvis with the secrets to save you more money. Reporter: Tonight, countdown to Thanksgiving. Which also means just hours away from doorbuster deals. ?????? ??? Black Friday light it up ??? Reporter: Shoppers already lining up, but you may not have to. In 2018, it’s all about the online doorbuster. You don’t have to get up and out of the house really early. You just have to get up, stay in your pjs and shop before dawn breaks. Reporter: TV on your wish list? Thanksgiving and Black Friday are your best bets for budget TVs. But if you’re looking for a mid-range or high-end variety, it may be better to hold out until cyber Monday. With toys “R” us now shuttered, target, Walmart and Amazon trying to fill the void. The weekend before Christmas, the toys will be slashed in prices. Reporter: Finally, Tom, if you are out braving those crowds, a little kindness goes a long way. Now’s the time to smile and negotiate. Many retailers offer hidden discounts and promotions, but you have to ask.
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