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Transcript for Police officer, 29, shot dead in the line of duty
It’s a tragic. Time for the school please remove. At 10 o’clock last night officer Joseph sooners. Which what is beauty. Student died. The Utah valley hospital just before me. Do. So is it winning her eight year old. Father. And husband. This little boy. As the sooners was shot while trying to apprehend dangerous. Fugitive. Some sinners. Was intelligent he’s honorable he’s harder working. He is decent every single day. In the exemplified in the ability of policing. He’s very best. Prove least.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
{“id”:60207499,”title”:”Police officer, 29, shot dead in the line of duty”,”duration”:”1:11″,”description”:”Officer Joseph Shinners was shot in Orem, Utah, trying to apprehend a fugitive Saturday night, authorities said.”,”url”:”/US/video/police-officer-29-shot-dead-line-duty-60207499″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}