Transcript for Minnesota child still strapped to car seat falls into street
frightening moment in Minnesota. The toddler in a car seat, falling out into traffic. Here’s ABC’s erielle reshef. Reporter: It’s the heart-stopping dash cam video capturing that terrifying moment. Watch as this gray car comes around a curve in mankato, Minnesota. Apparently a child fell out of a child seat, out of the back of a vehicle. Reporter: Look again. The rear driver side door swings open. A toddler, still strapped in a car seat, tumbling into the middle of the road. Chad mock couldn’t believe it. I honked my horn and tried to flag down the person that lost the child out the back, and they just kept going. Reporter: The baby miraculously okay. She wasn’t out of it or anything. Very calm. Reporter: Police telling ABC news the child was strapped into the car seat, but the car seat wasn’t properly fastened inside the vehicle. Experts say it’s a common problem. One government study showing nearly 75% of car seats are not used correctly. And David, police are now recommending that mother face charges of reckless endangerment and an improperly installed car seat. David? Erielle, thank you.
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