Transcript for Drunken passenger on plane gets 6 months in jail for tirade
passenger jailed after what he did on a flight. Here’s ABC’s David Kerley. Reporter: That is a 21-year-old Texas college student as he’s restrained after a drunken, foul-mouthed tirade, grabbing a woman’s arm and spitting on and biting crew members. An outburst forcing the flight to Dallas to turn around to Britain. One of the passengers in the cabin has become a danger to the aircraft. Reporter: But in this case, the outburst resulted in six months in jail for the young man. In court, British newspapers say testimony that Jeffrey tanner Libby had gotten a breakup text message from his girlfriend just before the flight a month ago. He started drinking rum from a liter bottle. The crew and passengers finally taking action. That turnaround, inconveniencing hundreds of flyers coming home for Christmas. Libby’s attorney pleaded for a suspended sentence. The judge rejected that, handing down the six months in jail and is quoted as saying such behavior cannot be tolerated. David? David Kerley, thank you.
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