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Transcript for Postal worker dies after taking bullet on Illinois interstate
Trying to make sense of the senseless. 44 year old jailer Shelton wants whoever killed her mother last night to take a good look at her. I want her to retire I want her to see me get married I wanted her to steamy start a family. Like she is not absolute best friend. And I lost it looked loose someone decided to just take it away for me. To Mark Clayton was until yesterday a postal worker a 25 years every night she’d leave her country club hills home around 9:30 PM. On route to Chicago international’s military service center at O’Hare. Last night that 55 year old mail handler was driving on the northbound lanes of but 57 years Cicero where she was shocked. Clayton lost control of her vehicle in crashed against immediate. It was only after first responders arrived on the scene they realized this was not just the simple accident. She stayed away from the Dan Ryan because people were shooting on the Dan Ryan. Clinton’s it was the second shooting to take place on I 57 Monday the first to like about six hours earlier left to boys and a man injured. State police are investigating both incidents which they say are and related. Each time that this happens that’s somebody’s family. You know so we can’t be can’t become desensitized to this cut.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
{“id”:60879116,”title”:”Postal worker dies after taking bullet on Illinois interstate”,”duration”:”1:24″,”description”:”Tamara Clayton, 55, was shot on I-57 near Cicero before losing control of her vehicle and crashing into a median.”,”url”:”/US/video/postal-worker-dies-taking-bullet-illinois-interstate-60879116″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}