WATCH: Man arrested after ramming truck into building of Fox affiliate: Police

WATCH: Man arrested after ramming truck into building of Fox affiliate: Police

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Transcript for Man arrested after ramming truck into building of Fox affiliate: Police

When he did come out of his vehicle after renaming the building heat. Pulled a bag out of his vehicle so we had our EO dean are bond meaning come out here just as a precaution. To check that make sure that it wasn’t anything dangerous. The act was cleared. His vehicle was subsequently cleared and officers are checking around the area around the building just make sure that there’s no others secondary devices there. Anything suspicious. And when these things trying to. That’s what we’re still trying to determine I mean when he came in contact with the officers the officers just said that he was. Ran laying in to sing. And announcements so it appears he was in some agitated mental state so. Not really sure exactly what the issue isn’t used to. Around 6 o’clock in the morning man in the pickup truck rammed the fox four studios multiple times grand it backed up rammed into it. Multiple times according to police. And that when officers got there he was out of the truck he was rambling they say news making some incoherent statements things that did not make sense. He had a bag people to back out of the truck with him that is why the bomb squad is here on the scene they wanted to investigate that bag make sure that there wasn’t any kind of explosives in it the FBI we know is also involved. As for those papers that we’ve seen lying out in the street we asked police what. They said it that might indicate his motivation in all of this they said they’re not sure what the contents of those papers are although from the look it looks like there’s a whole bunch of them there was a lot of papers a lot of boxes so we’ll wait and see if those providing any kind of answers as far as what his motivation was wit this strike on fox or if there were other outlets potentially he may have been targeting. The good news is that right now nobody. Hurt in this incident no fox four employees are hurt they are waiting to get all these streets opened up their hoping they can do that. In a short amount of time to get things back open and running here in downtown Dallas.

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{“id”:57628560,”title”:”Man arrested after ramming truck into building of Fox affiliate: Police”,”duration”:”2:03″,”description”:”The suspect, 34-year-old Michael Fry, was arrested and charged with second-degree felony criminal mischief.”,”url”:”/US/video/man-arrested-ramming-truck-building-fox-affiliate-police-57628560″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}

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