Transcript for FBI interviews Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate
I’m Tom llamas. Begin with breaking news in the FBI inven into supremminee Brett Kavanaugh. Thorities E acting poss ws they pronst news H confirmedhat investigators reviewed deboramirez.ho has accused Kavanaugh of exposing himsat part so on the list, maudge. Allegedly third in the room durin the Ast of dhristine bsey Ford. And prent trump dered the investigation after Ford’s testimony in which she described drunken vanaugh ttin hand or her mouth anoping her. Vanaugh denies a allegations.bue looked LE a clear path to the supremt is for now on hold. He’s Kyra phlips. Eporter: Tigst investigation in oation’s under way ABC ne hed the FBI has cos first interview thamirez. E Kavanaugh expose Ms her while a student at Yale university. An allegation she D by today. Nah denies the accusation. The prent sayinghe FBI will havfrn its probe. Hedoing thin that we neverveof and hofully at T conclusion, everythi will be fine. Rorter: Howers telling ABC news, this one week investigation comes with Lim reinforcin concerns that the pbe into algations judge Brett kavanaugxually assaulted E blasey Ford is too nw. Whatever the comme dedes, I’m all in. In is situati and Thi kind of vestigation, anybody thaties to thebi probablyacs because this is such a high priority investigation. Rep the FBI wilinterview judge Kah, , and three more witnesses. Kavanaugh’s two olmates mark judge and P.J. Smyth, and lelandser, who fd were at a gathering where the alleged assault occurred. Er alreadyrecord saying she recano such incident. Kavanaugh denies all accusations. Setimes I H T bes, but I dot drink br the point blackingut. D I never sexuallyaulted Rter: Howev, vanaugh clsmates wradict his tesmony about drink are not on the LI Now, isn’t that relevt, given that there cly was drin G at least it’s alleged, at thrty? No, I tnk you’re Ying to portrahim as a smb, bumb drunk gang dung high scol aollege was biosby. Six FBI background checks over yehave uncoved th Reporte also not being questioned, Julie swetnick, who claims isworn statent she a drunk kavana mistreat women at parties in hi S The stick this a joke. Thats Reporter: However deep thgoes, theris no questi tefrom the K, yet usive, higschool friend mark judgeilbe critical. Dge, a recovering alcoholic, memoi”w tales of gen-x drunk.” Are you Bart Kavanaugh that heeferring T yes or no ‘dto ask him. Kyra joins us live. And Kavanaugh’s friend says he wiooperate file fb E learning Ford hat toear from ies Reporter: That’s right, since Dr. Ford. T it’s cerinbe interviewensively. D the fby also seek expand the number eople they Tom? Kyra, thank you.
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