Transcript for 13-year-old boy bitten by shark off southern California coast
Xt to the shark attack off the southern California coast.a 13-year-d boy badlbitten while ding the beach now Ed to swimmers. Here’s mlez. Reporter: Tonight, a 13-yr-old boy,ushed onto shore after being Atta by a shark, ico I’msking for helicopter we need lift someone for a shk attack. Reporter: The teen diving in cinitas, California, on oping day ofobeason, when the shark latched on, leaving him ors descri ac this upper tso. Hs yelling,I help, help, help.” Reporter: Fellow divers pulling hit safety. The shark, stiingering nearby. Lucki the wateecause once threw H upn the kayad started heading in, that’s when I looked backnd a sharkas behind the kayak. Reporter: Inves trying to figure out what ki of srk it wa yilieve it was H abou11. We imagine it could be a great white shark, but we don’t know F sure. Reporter: Tonightauthoritiein San die county,nsitpert Dr. Chris Lowe. The thing inly want to emasize is just how rare these events are. Rhewent sueristed in siouscondition. Lifeguards kng everyonout of the WER at that beach at least until tomorrow. M? Ank you. Next ton, the tropical west.
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