Transcript for Demonstrators shut down highway after deadly mall shooting
There’s new outrage over that deadly police shooting at an Alabama mall. A demonstrator or demonstrators taking to the street and marching where E.J. Bradford was mistakenly killed on Thanksgiving by police. Steve osunsami is in Hoover, Alabama, with the latest. Good morning, Steve. Reporter: Good morning, Michael. For another night, protesters filled the streets here demanding that police release the body camera video of the incident that took place at this mall behind me that claimed the life of 21-year-old E.J. Bradford. They shut down the highway as you mentioned and marched through the mall. The incident that started all this happened on Thanksgiving day. There was a fight between two men that turned into a gunfight. Not one of them Bradford. The family says Bradford was there with a legal gun trying to help, and when police arrived in the chaos they couldn’t tell who was who and shot Bradford dead. Police have offered the family their sympathies but have stopped short of an apology. Police are telling us they’re not releasing anything until this investigation is over. Michael. All right, our prayers are with that family.
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