Transcript for The fallout from Jim Mattis’ resignation
All right, Mary, thank you. That chaos not the only problem playing out tonight. The bomb shell resignation of defense secretary Jim Mattis shaking lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. Here’s global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz. Reporter: Jim Mattis was back at the white house today in a seemingly deliberate display of solidarity with fellow marine general John Kelly, who is himself days away from departing the administration. It’s been less than 24 hours since Mattis resigned in protest of president trump’s policies. And the backlash against the president has been profound. It’s beyond scary. It is evidence of chaos. Reporter: Majority leader Mick Mcconnell, normally hesitant to criticize trump, saying he was particularly distressed that Mattis was resigning due to sharp differences with the president on key aspects of America’s global leadership. A key concern of Mattis — abandoning America’s partners in the fight against ISIS. Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria, the last straw. Even hosts of trump’s favorite program, “Fox & friends” blasted the president’s judgment on the pullout from Syria. He just refounded ISIS. They have 30,000 men there. And they are already striking back with our would-be evacuation. Reporter: Trump himself had nothing to say about Mattis today, only a tweet saying, I’ve done more damage to ISIS than all recent presidents, not even close! But those claims come as the U.S. Is about to reduce the number of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan by at least half, where ISIS is a continuing threat, a move Mattis has also been firmly against. Martha rad dat joins us live from Washington. The president said all U.S. Troops would be out of Syria in 30 days. You mentioned a drawndown in Afghanistan, as well. Is there a timeline for that? Reporter: Yeah, there are 14,000 troops there now. The goal is to drop down to 7,000 by tend of spring next year. Lindsey graham says pulling out troops would be disastrous. It will be tough to change trump’s mind on this one. Thank you, Martha. The mounting troubles in Washington weighing down the markets.
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