Transcript for Winter weather alerts are up from W. Virginia to Maine
winter weather alerts from west Virginia all the way up to Maine. Lake effect snow already across the northeast and all eyes on a system in the west that could bring storms to the east this weekend. A driver skidding on an icy road in Auburn, Maine, slamming into that house there. Heavy snow in watertown, new York. Cars landing on the side of the road. And that system on the move, I mentioned. Senior meteorologist rob Marciano tracking it all tonight. Rob? Reporter: Hi, David. The winds still ripping here in the northeast. Across those unfrozen Lakes. As you mentioned, the lake effect snow machine is cranking. Winter storm warnings are posted all up and down the Lakes, into the mountains of the west Virginia area. Look at the wind chills in Chicago. 7. Feels like 12 in Detroit. Next stop up, hitting California now. That gifts into Texas and the plains on Friday. Mostly rain there. Look at snows in St. Louis, Cincinnati. Saturday afternoon in D.C., and it lasts through the weekend. Still early for details, but it’s likely to be a significant winter storm this weekend. David? All right, we’ll be tracking it. Rob, great to have you back.
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