WATCH: Pacific storm pounds California with rain, snow brings risks of mudslides to area

WATCH: Pacific storm pounds California with rain, snow brings risks of mudslides to area

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Transcript for Pacific storm pounds California with rain, snow brings risks of mudslides to area

Another story that we are tracking today is the weather that is rolled into the West Coast creating the concern. For mudslides. And that is exactly what we’ve got to have seen happening but he’s so Juarez who works with our affiliate KE ABC Los Angeles she is in Lake Elsinore right now Angela. What are we seeing. Well right now you’re seeing Brad is the rain coming down here in Lake Elsinore which is roughly about eighty miles southeast the Los Angeles this airy was devastated by the holy fire this past summer. And what residents especially in the community and stay and now are dealing with is a potential for. Some life threatening mudslides at one point out I’m standing here with his home in the background this home right here back on December 6 was hit. By Monday gentleman inside there was bedridden had to be rescued and floated out. Because the money had come up to his home they have key roles in front of that home now because they’re hoping that any potential mudslides from this rain. That coming that is coming out could potentially flow around that barrier and Al into the street here now the concern is. Here is specially is that they’ll burn scar is holding much of the debris up they’re still from talking with emergency folks. They say a lot of it still has yet to come down we’ve had back to back storms starting on Monday so the ground is just soaked. The saturation levels as what they’re concerned about they say doesn’t take much rain. To start causing that debris flow that they’re really concerned about for residents. So this morning 3500. Residents were told to leave their homes and a mandatory evacuation was issued right now residents here are just waiting and seeing holding their breath. Hoping that another devastating mud flow does not come into their communities Brad back to you time and cesium thank you so much there in Lake Elsinore California.

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{“id”:60447750,”title”:”Pacific storm pounds California with rain, snow brings risks of mudslides to area”,”duration”:”1:36″,”description”:”A second, much stronger storm continues to batter the West Coast with huge waves up to 40 feet, heavy rain, damaging winds and heavy snow in the mountains.”,”url”:”/US/video/pacific-storm-pounds-california-rain-snow-brings-risks-60447750″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}

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