Transcript for Arctic temps in Minnesota among coldest in the country
Now to Minneapolis which is among the coldest places in the country right now. The actual temperature without the windchill could get as low as negative 30 degrees. Let’s take a look at these Minneapolis firefighters showing just how cold it is. You can see what happens when they remove their helmets, the steam just rising right off them and Eva pilgrim, she is there in Chicago. We know you have lots of layers on, Eva, but for many people it’s really not safe to be outside in these conditions. Reporter: Well, that’s why we’re starting this inside. It is dangerously cold outside. You can get frostbite in just a matter of mere minutes in these temperatures. Okay, we’ll take it a deep breath and heading outside so we can show you how cold it is out there. And as you get out here, I have hot water, I’ll throw it in the air. You can see quickly turns into ice and snow. These temperatures, anything that is liquid on your face, in your eyes, your tear ducts they freeze inside your nose, they freeze. The lick wit in your mouth starts to seize up, just sort of get very, very hard to talk. As you can tell, this is an egg. We stuck it out here an hour or two hours ago, it is rock solid at this point. You can just hear it pop and Brian has this hammer. I want to reiterate that idea. There it goes, it cracks open. It is basically an ice cube and, Brian, come here. I just want to show you, this is what everyone else looks like out here. Faces completely covered. The goggles on because your eyes, water and then that water turns into ice. I had eye cycles in my tear ducts yesterday. So glad you are taking every precaution but throwing the hot water in the air. Heard about it but to see it. In Minneapolis and we were playing the Green Bay packers and minus 23 and on the way to the bus you’re in the hotel room convincing yourself it’s warm out and our equipment manager did the thing with the water, all these thoughts of warm went out of my mind. We froze. You played a whole game in minus 23. They tell you to stay inside if you’re an animal but you play football you do it outside. That is wreaking havoc on air
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