WATCH: 'Pastor Tiger' arrested on suspicion of grooming and molesting student

WATCH: 'Pastor Tiger' arrested on suspicion of grooming and molesting student

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Transcript for ‘Pastor Tiger’ arrested on suspicion of grooming and molesting student

The thing that. We or most proud of that the sheriff’s office of all the things were proud of is the fact that we protect children. And that if you sexually abused a child. We’re gonna hold you fully accountable according to the law. Where we have a fellow here and who has been grew mean at least one child. We know who when someone has proclivity to act like he has. Usually weren’t show is not the only job. But this is Charles I’d won the socket these 34 years of age. He is a head master at a private Christian school. And Auburndale called kingdom. Preparatory school. He’s also an ordained minister. He’s a football coach they have a football today. It is a small private school. And a part of the students that or there or given the promise. Of a future in football. It is a K through twelve school. Charles I grew on has been there for. Two years. And his name had that he goes body. Is. Pastor tiger. Let’s convenient. Pastor tiger. If you have. A name like that maybe it makes it easier to groom children. And that’s what happened to our fifteen year old victim. Who. Was a student at that school.

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{“id”:60888693,”title”:”‘Pastor Tiger’ arrested on suspicion of grooming and molesting student”,”duration”:”1:45″,”description”:”Charles Aguon, 34, headmaster of Kingdom Preparatory School in Auburndale, Florida, was arrested on suspicion of grooming and molesting a 15-year-old student at the school. “,”url”:”/US/video/pastor-tiger-arrested-suspicion-grooming-molesting-student-60888693″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}

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