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Transcript for Trump surveys Alabama tornado damage, residents hope visit brings more resources
Today president trough in the First Lady landed in Alabama six days since the string of tornadoes ripped through the self. The president first taking an aerial tour of the destruction. Alabama’s governor Kay Ivey by his side as he stopped and Hart hit borer guard. The president walking through heavily destroyed areas where homes and trees were completely flattened. EF four tornado with a 170. Mile an hour winds hit border guards Sunday. Killing 23 people. Including seven members of one family. This is the deadliest tornado to hit this area in the last several years. That tornado on the ground for a full hour and sixteen minutes the president paying his respects at this memorial for the 23 victims. And also meeting with families who lost loved ones and homes in the tornado. The president also visited it hurts that has morphed into disaster relief center where there are more famines and packed it. Stephanie Ramos ABC news Washington.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
{“id”:61564151,”title”:”Trump surveys Alabama tornado damage, residents hope visit brings more resources”,”duration”:”1:01″,”description”:”The president said he saw “things you wouldn’t believe” during his aerial tour and praised the work of state and local leaders, first responders, and FEMA.”,”url”:”/US/video/trump-surveys-alabama-tornado-damage-residents-hope-visit-61564151″,”section”:”US”,”mediaType”:”default”}