Transcript for Mom with newborn baby leads cops on wild, high-speed chase
Startling video, indeed, THA suedmes, thank your repoing. Newly released video of high-speed chase in Texas. A motherti speeds topping 10les an hour crashing and th attempting to carjack another cle alllebaby. ABC’s kendis G is right here in studio with on camera Y. Good morning. Good morning.this is simply wild and unbelievable and as you watch this video, it’s also amazing nobo seriously injured inclinat baby. Overnighnew details about a N’s attempted high-speed getaway from the cops in San Antonio, texas.29-year-old catilyy Rodriguez is the driver and wa’t alone. An infant in thevehicle. Reporter: Her infant in the backseat as the mother rac rough the streets. At least 100 mes an hour. Eporter: Is only now being released. Theenm June after violation. Watch as highway throw out spike even that doesn’stop her. Wen road. Lookshe’s about twrk. Reporter: Dri that coming traffic, the car B thro a red light racingow the road this will it rams into thack of that truck, the drer jumping out of hicle. S the baby and running. In the car sea she tries to carjack anothechild of her own in T car. Officersrr and take H wn. The baby is safe. Baby is safe. Rodriguez who had outstanding warrants for her arrest charged withld endangerment and possession of conled substance. Her child was T away by protective services undetandably. Derstandably. T’s not sebody I’ G to get baby-siny O my kids any time soon this was crazy. I couldn’t I had anxiety tray watching it. Thy lucky to be alive. Kendis,hank we wantov on to Serena Willia storming into the
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