WATCH: Tropical Storm Gordon makes landfall along Gulf Coast

WATCH: Tropical Storm Gordon makes landfall along Gulf Coast

Transcript for Tropical Storm Gordon makes landfall along Gulf Coast

Right to that H rain flooding, Gordon making landfall as a tropical storm overnight near alabama/mississippi border. Theeadly and fast-moving system leaving path of destio Scenesike this showing powerful winds whippgai acro alab Roa there completely submerged Aul STO surge. Gingers starting us off in pascagoula, Mississippi. You were there ie la Right here in the eyeassing east of us. It wasintense. 56-mile-per-hour Gus nely 80 miles per hour in abama. I want tohow you thisbeach. I know you understa is. Th gulf of Mexico usuallys so peaceful. Now still viole thismorning. The waves and the water highe than it usually. This storm still slicing through Gordon lashing the south. Withinds of 70 per Hou Gordon made landfall just west of talabama/mississippi St line. Seously, we got to get ofhere. Alabama, already claiming onelife, a pe killed when tree crd into arailer in Pensacola, Florida. Dauphin island taking O to ve surge.winds shreing piece this buildis andils destroy in eastern Mississippi, Condit deteriorated rapidly the E wl approached. So now wind gusts have gone up to 77 miles the stg of the rn is really starting to hit us. This storm passedr gulf island and we’re getting it next re in pascagoula. It is time takes a serious storm and prepad to react to it. Reportates of emergency still in effect. The space station capturing this E of Gordon beforade landfall. Heavy rains from mobile Pensacola where a half footf ra H alrea fallen. He cen now just south of Jackson, Mississippi. Still falling. You’ S anotherple of inches with theater ban but the center with maxustained winds of 40 milesour will decrease in intensity but stay together enough throughhe Chicago and Michigan. ‘S going also squeeze a front. That’s why that fl inland floodinghere I comes together with the remnant of we’llle lot more about that this ring. Nk youmuch. Definitely something to be concerned about. It is on the move heading north wherearcus moor is riding out then Brandon, mississippgood morni. Reporter: Michael, good morning. It is a wet inbrandon, ns steady rainfall andthis morning it’ been rnating been a mist and heavier rain andan cars pass by a the cad gusts will co through. Is storm is expected top several inches of rain as youheard gingerention and the ntforangerous fod is a real conmorn the National Guard troops acvated Mississippi and louisiana this mng to responf need but the impf Gordon’s landfall and also Tse str wi gusts areeady bei felthis morning.nearly0,000 peoe are without Powe across florida,la andisssippi this morning they are enduring the bruntth but, Michael, as rdon Conti to weaken this is notver yetorlions of people here in Mississippi a across the region. Right, thank Y very much, Marcus, be safeyourself. George. Now to new bombsll

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