Researchers to discuss efforts to find Captain Cook's ship

Researchers to discuss efforts to find Captain Cook's ship

Researchers looking for the vessel that 18th-century explorer Capt. James Cook used to sail around the world are holding a public meeting in Rhode Island to discuss their work.

The Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project, which is leading the effort, is searching for the Endeavour in the harbor near Newport. It plans to announce the results of its current studies at 3 p.m. Sunday at Gurney’s Resort in Newport.

The Rhode Island organization says it found artifacts and materials at the site consistent with an 18th-century vessel. It has partnered with the Australian National Maritime Museum and the Silentworld Foundation.

Nearly 250 years ago, Cook used the Endeavour to claim Australia for the British. The ship was also part a British fleet used to blockade Newport Harbor from the French in 1778.

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